Structural Analysis

New material added Analysis of Indeterminate structures by Force method Analysis of static indeterminate structures by Matrix force method Structural Analysis By R.C.Hibbeler  (7th Edition) Analysis of Statically determinate trusses   (Types,Classification,Joints,Method of sections, Compound,complex,space trusses)

Sustainable or Green Building | Prefabricated Modular Buildings

Howdy Folks ? Green Building is on the hot list nowadays. Below article is about green or sustainable buildings. Today engineers are achieving milestones once considered to be unachievable. In this period of rapid urbanization, inventions in every field are Continue reading Sustainable or Green Building | Prefabricated Modular Buildings

Inspection Checklist

Inspection Checklist By Engr. Khawaja Ali This Inspection Checklist comprises of set of information required for a structural inspection and thus can be renamed as “Structural Inspection Checklist”. It includes all those things which are required for inspecting any building or Continue reading Inspection Checklist

“Handbook of Structural Engineering”

Handbook of Structural Engineering By W. F. Chen (1754 Pages)