Faculty Positions in Fast University Lahore

Job Description
Faculty with a passion for teaching and research are required at Lahore campus of the University. Applicants should have PhD/MS/BS degree from a reputable University.
Applicants must be specialists in one or more of the following areas.
Civil Engineering
(Applicant must be registered with PEC as Civil Engineer)
- Highway & Transportation Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Construction Eng. & Management
Lab Engineers (CvL) positions: 16 years of education. Applicants should have a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with CGPA >=3.00
Computer Science
(Teaching experience of cutting edge Computing courses)
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Networks
- Data Science
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information Sciences
- Information Security
- Operating Systems
- Programming Languages
- Robotics
- Software Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Web Technologies
Instructor (CS) positions: 16 years of education. Applicants should have a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree in a Computing program with CGPA >=2.50
Management Sciences
Instructor (MG) positions: 16 years of education. Applicants should have a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree in IT/Technology Management
Faculty positions are offered in accordance with HEC criteria, available at www.nu.edu.pk/nujobs/EligibilityCriteria.aspx..
Work experience does not include Part time employment, apprenticeship, or internship.
In addition to market-compatible salary, the University offers membership of Employees provident fund, hospitalization insurance, and reimbursement of medical expenses.
Only short listed applicants will be called for test / interview. Faculty Positions in Fast University Lahore
Apply online at www.nu.edu.pk/nujobs
Last date to Apply: Sunday, November 22, 2020
Human Resource Departments
Lahore Campus
FAST-NUCES, 852, Block-B, Faisal Town, Lahore
UAN: (042) 111-128-128 x 400 & 333
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