How to register a company with PEC

How to register a company with PEC

By Saddam Sheikh

How to register a company with PEC

How to register a Company with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)?
Dear fellow engineers here is step wise Procedure of firm registration if you want to become entrepreneurs.
1) suggest the name of your firm and then get its confirmation from PEC that their exist no firm with the same name
2) Prepare your firms letter heads
3) Get the stamp of your firm
4) Apply for NTN in FBR office of your district
[It takes almost 2 weeks] ● Docs required for NTN

a) One letter head of your firm
b) CNIC Copy
c) Electricity bill
d) R.S 1000 fees
5) After getting NTN open a new account in the name of your firm
6) Prepare your file for PEC
7) Pay 15000/ fees on prescribed PEC challan form
? Attach the fee receipt , copies of NTN and CNIC with the file.
9) Submit the file in PEC office
10) After getting license from PEC apply for the enlistment in the department of your choice.
[Almost 20000 enlistment fees] 11) After getting enlistment you are eligible to participate in tenders
12) Tender fees is 10,000 [non refundable] 13) Before you apply for tender , you have to submit CDR which is 2% of the total worth of the project cost for which you are going to participate in.

14) CDR is issued by the bank in which you have account of your firm.
15) If you are awarded with a project , then you have to start a work within 15 days from the date of issuance the work order.
●●● Then there come various stages when you have to give bribe even for the approval of your 100% legal work.
●●● Department demands 2% of the total cost of the project, and that 2% you must have to give , no matter how much honestly you worked on the project.
●●● Then comes the stage of testing materials, To get approval of construction materials you also have to pay for the approval of construction materials you are using i.e, bricks test, aggregates test, Steel bars test…..
●●● after the completion of work / during the work, when you apply for the approval of bill, again you have to give bribe. Accountant demands 1% of the total worth of the each bill

How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC, How to register a company with PEC

3 Replies to “How to register a company with PEC”

  1. First of all thanks for this article. I found it very informative. I have couple of questions.
    1- Can an Engr. already working in semi government sector, apply for firm registeration in PEC on 20% shareholding basis with a nuetral partner?
    2- How much financial worthiness is required for C-5 category?

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