Rigid Pavement Construction | Zarar Shaheed Road

What is a Rigid Pavement ? and how is it different from a flexible pavement ? Well to understand it you have to see their cross sections. A video is already available for you to understand the difference between them. Click here to see Estimation of Roads (Difference between Flexible and Rigid Pavement). If you already know what is Rigid Pavement and are interested to see the construction of Rigid Pavement then you may see the following video.
Zarar shaheed road is under construction these days and some part of it consists of RCC / Rigid Pavement so the video was captured for understanding the concept of rigid pavement. Yes RCC slab is used at the top of it. The rigid pavement has rigidity and high modulus of elasticity to distribute the load over a relatively wide area of soil. In the design of a rigid pavement, the flexural strength of concrete is the major factor and not the strength of subgrade. Due to this property of pavement, when the subgrade deflects beneath the rigid pavement, the concrete slab is able to bridge over the localized failures and areas of inadequate support from subgrade because of slab action. Do see the videos to understand everything. Dont forget to subscribe the official youtube channel. Thanks.