Moulding of Bricks

Moulding of Bricks Moulding of Bricks Giving the required shape to the prepared brick earth is known as moulding of bricks. There are two different ways of moulding. a) Hand moulding b) Machine moulding. a. Hand moulding: Hand moulding of bricks Continue reading Moulding of Bricks

Manufacturing of Bricks

Manufacturing of Bricks Manufacturing of Bricks 1.PREPARATION OF BRICK-EARTH Following steps are involved in preparing Brick-earth. a. Digging If the area from where soil is to be taken is grassy or has other vegetation then the top layer (about 20 Continue reading Manufacturing of Bricks

Harmful substances in brick earth

Harmful substances in brick earth The harmful substances present in the brick earth have been explained below LIME: When a desirable amount of lime is present in the clay, it results in good bricks, but if in excess, it changes Continue reading Harmful substances in brick earth

Characteristics of Good Bricks

Characteristics of Good Bricks, Ingredients of Good Brick Earth, Functions of various ingredients etc Characteristics of Good Bricks The characteristics of a good brick are Size and Shape: The bricks should have uniform size and plane, rectangular surfaces with parallel sides and Continue reading Characteristics of Good Bricks