Category Archives: BSc Civil Engineering
ALGAE TYPES, MICROSCOPE Brown-alage-members Clean water algae divisions of algae Filter Cloging algae Freshwater_algae green-algae-organisms blue_green_algae green_algae Algae Important in water supplies Plankton and other surface water algae Polluted water algae Algae growing on reservoir walls microscope and Continue reading ALGAE TYPES, MICROSCOPE & PARTS
Environmental Engineering 1
Environmental Engineering A visit to Different places of the world to study different environmental problems and their reasons 1.0 A visit to Different places of the world to study different environmental problems and their reasons 1.1 A visit to Different places of the world Continue reading Environmental Engineering 1
Structural Analysis 2
Structural Analysis 2 Analysis of Indeterminate structures by Force method Analysis of static indeterminate structures by Matrix force method Structural Analysis By R.C.Hibbeler (7th Edition) Analysis of Statically determinate trusses (Types,Classification,Joints,Method of sections, Compound,complex,space trusses) Structural Analysis Design (Settlement of Continue reading Structural Analysis 2