ACE The GRE Writing Assessment

ACE The GRE Writing Assessment

Everything You Need to Score Higher on the GRE

ACE The GRE Writing Assessment

Contents of ACE The GRE Writing Assessment

  1. Introduction to the Writing Assessment
  2. Punctuation
    1. The Comma
      1. The Formal Rule
      2. The Gut Rule
    2. Afterthought
    3. Appositive
    4. Interjections
    5. Independent Clauses
    6. For
    7. Series of Things
    8. Sentence Fragments
    9. Single-Word Phrases
    10. Descriptive Phrases
    11. Semicolons
    12. Independent Clauses
    13. Semicolon with a Series of Independent Clauses
    14. Colon
    15. Dash
    16. Apostrophes
    17. Possessive of Irregular Nouns:
    18. Apostrophe with a Plural Phrase
    19. Sentence Fragments
  3. Transitions
  4. Analysis of Argument
  5. Patterns of Development
  6. Logical Fallacies
    1. Non Sequitur
    2. False Analogy
    3. Either/Or Fallacy
    4. Circular Reasoning
    5. Begging the Question
    6. Ad Hominem
    7. Bandwagon Appeal
    8. Hasty Generalization
  7. Inductive vs. Deductive Logic
  8. Sample Argument Questions and Essays
  9. Analysis of Issue
    1. Pattern of Development
  10. Comparison-Contrast
  11. Sample Patterns of Development Comparison-Contrast
  12. Cause-Effect
  13. Division-Classification Sample Paper
  14. Definition
  15. Sample Essay Q

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