ACE The GRE Writing Assessment
Everything You Need to Score Higher on the GRE
Contents of ACE The GRE Writing Assessment
- Introduction to the Writing Assessment
- Punctuation
- The Comma
- The Formal Rule
- The Gut Rule
- Afterthought
- Appositive
- Interjections
- Independent Clauses
- For
- Series of Things
- Sentence Fragments
- Single-Word Phrases
- Descriptive Phrases
- Semicolons
- Independent Clauses
- Semicolon with a Series of Independent Clauses
- Colon
- Dash
- Apostrophes
- Possessive of Irregular Nouns:
- Apostrophe with a Plural Phrase
- Sentence Fragments
- The Comma
- Transitions
- Analysis of Argument
- Patterns of Development
- Logical Fallacies
- Non Sequitur
- False Analogy
- Either/Or Fallacy
- Circular Reasoning
- Begging the Question
- Ad Hominem
- Bandwagon Appeal
- Hasty Generalization
- Inductive vs. Deductive Logic
- Sample Argument Questions and Essays
- Analysis of Issue
- Pattern of Development
- Comparison-Contrast
- Sample Patterns of Development Comparison-Contrast
- Cause-Effect
- Division-Classification Sample Paper
- Definition
- Sample Essay Q