Steel Cutting | Steel Bending | Steel Fixing

Steel Cutting | Steel Bending | Steel Fixing Steel bars which are used as reinforcement in concrete are cut to desired length at the site with the help of different instruments, One is the hydraulic machine which cuts any steel Continue reading Steel Cutting | Steel Bending | Steel Fixing

Anti-Termite Treatment

Anti-Termite Treatment, Anti Termite Spray. What is a termite? what it can do to your house ? how to protect your house from termite, how to spray an anti termite liquid during house construction ? and what to do if Continue reading Anti-Termite Treatment

1 Kanal House Construction Activities

1 Kanal house construction activities in sequence with images and videos Construction of 1 kanal house with basement have been shared in a video which is very much beneficial for those who want to learn how a house is constructed. Continue reading 1 Kanal House Construction Activities

Calculation of Steel in RCC Slab Free Video Tutorial Excel Spreadsheet

Calculation of Steel in RCC Slab using Excel Spreadsheet Free Video Tutorial This free video tutorial is made for everyone to have an idea how to make their own steel calculation from RCC Slabexcel spreadsheet. Excel spreadsheets save a lot Continue reading Calculation of Steel in RCC Slab Free Video Tutorial Excel Spreadsheet