Plain & Reinforced Concrete Experiments

Experiment No. 1: Standard test method for the determination of the normal consistency of the hydraulic cement. (BS-12) Experiment No. 2: Standard test method for the determination of the initial and final setting time of the hydraulic cement by Vicat Continue reading Plain & Reinforced Concrete Experiments

Basic Hydraulic Concepts

Basic Hydraulic Concepts • Difference between hydrostatics and hydrodynamics • Pascal’s Law and its significance • Advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic fluid power • Pressure-force-area relationship • Definitions of work, power, and horsepower • Basic concept of a fluid power Continue reading Basic Hydraulic Concepts

Experiment No. 10: Determination of the tensile strength of concrete by Double Punch Test. (Non-Standard Test)

Standard test method for the determination of the splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimen. (ASTM C 496/C 496 M-04)

Experiment No. 9: Standard test method for the determination of the splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimen. (ASTM C 496/C 496 M-04)