Civil Engineering Books
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Civil Engineering Books
Concrete and Structures Books
Costing and Estimation Books
FIDIC Conditions of Contract
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Books
Transportation, Highways, Tunnels and Roads Books
Water, Hydraulics, Irrigation Books
Management Books, Construction Management, Project Management
Other Engineering Books
GRE Books
Punjab Govt
- Handbook For Consultant Selection Planing and Development Department Govt of the Punjab
- Civil Service Rules Govt of Punjab Finance Dept
- Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974, Govt of Punjab Finance Dept
- Punjab Civil Services Delegation of Power Rules 1983
- Punjab Government Rule of Business 1974 Services and general administration department (Cabinet Wing)
- Traveling Allowances and Daily Allowances (TA DA Rules)
- Planning Commission-1 (PC-1) An example of PC-1 to understand how PC-1 looks like and what it contains
Pakistan Engineering Council
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents (Civil Work)
- Standard Form of Bidding Docs for Procurement of Works (E & M)
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works for Smaller Contracts
- Standard Form of Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services (Time Based Assignments)
- Standard Form of Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services (Lump Sum Assignment)
- Standard Form of Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services for Smaller Projects.
- Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration.
- Standard Procedure for Evaluation of Proposals for Procurement of Engineering Services
- Standard Procedure and Formula for Price Adjustment
- Standard Procedure for Evaluation of Bids for Procurement of Works
- Standard Procedure for pre-qualification of constructors
- Standard Procedure for pre-qualification of consultants
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works on BOT Basis
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works on Design and Build Basis
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Procurement of Civil Works (SSTE)
- Standard Form of Joint Venture/Consortium Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for EPC/Turnkey Contracts
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Procurement of Goods
- Standard Form of Bidding Documents for Operation & Maintenance Contracts
civil engineers pk or civilengineerspk a platform for all civil engineers.
Civil Engineering Books, Civil Engineering Books, Civil Engineering Books, Civil Engineering Books, Civil Engineering Books, Civil Engineering Books.
great work!
Salam mr ubaid i m afzaal wrking in architect field wants to study civil engineering what u suggest plz,
Do what u like
sir thanks a lot for such informative post ………..
ur welcome
nice effort
Its really an awsome job and great work.
thanks adnan
Really appreciate ur’s fantastic platform, keep it up !
yes i will try. Thanks
thanks A lot for this Effort… Nyc Work…
ur welcome
popi cha gaya ha yr
Good Work Ubaid…
Highly Appreciabale effort…. Keep it up
Thanks Sir,,,,,I will try
niceeeee job bhai
gud site for civil & building and architectural engineers. thanks bro
ur welcome
osvum work umaid ahmed mughal……
Thanks bro
great job Ubaid Ahmad Mughal brovery nice
reaaaaaaaally appreciable ubaid bhai…………
can any one upload zahid sabhs books????
Concrete Structures Part 2 is available but not downloadable
great work
grt effort
great job!…..
hats off……………….
Excellent job
Great Effort,,
Keep it up bro…
tnx sir…
It’s a great job which is being performed by Brother Ubaid….I Have never scene such guiding man…Ubaid bhai has also been Posting on Jobs for civil engrs which is also so sweet…May ALAH Bless Him and May Ubaid bhai live long by performing such actions and also May ALLAH Bless Him more progress….Ameen!!!!!.
good work dear………..outstanding
excellent work Brother……
keep it up
thanks.. will try to improve more
Great work
bro its really impressive
grat work. every civil engineer should join it
I could not able to download any of these files. Why?
that might be because u dont know how to download
goto file then download
press from your keyboard ctrl+s …… then it will start to download ……
thanks a lot …… this is such a amazing webpage and so helpful for civil engineering students ……
welcome. The amazement will continue
please upload the book of solid mechanics (for 2nd year students) by Bhavikatti …..pls upload soon
sir many many thanks
good effort…………
great yar……………….very….very thanks……….
ur welcome
Thank u
u r awesome …
Thank you very much…….i love u and God bless u..
Welcome and thanks for the comment
Excellent work,,, keep it up,,, chak ke rakh,,,
excellent yar cha gaea ha
good site
Great website for all civil engineers
its a great effort brother,
Brthr, i have neede the manuals on Eagle Point, if u have kindly upload it please
ok i will try
thanks a lot sir u have done great effort for engnrs God bless u and u may have long life
thanks for this site
plz upload book
hand book by p N Khana
awsome work
great job yaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
such a great contribution very helpful for civil engineers
A very useful website for us Civil Engineers … Many thanks.
Bundle of thanks for you to provide us such useful information……
The best pakistani civil engineering website.
Thanks alot for such great information about civil engineering topics.
May ALLAH give you its reward…
yes Thanks
Thanks you so much for this wonderful site.
nice collection books ….. thank you a lot
Could you kindly provide tutorial videos or files for AUTOCAD Civil 3D and Surfer softwares
will try
Hydraulics ki books hain kafi mery pass, how to upload ????
Sehroosh. have you any book related to the design of Hydropower system
Civil Engineering k general test k liyay koi book upload ki hai k nai ?????
Civil PE Sample Examination By Michael R. Lindeburg, PE
and all questions on
Interview/Entry Test Questions page
A.o.A! I need Design of Reinforced Concret by Chu-Kia Wang and Charles G Salmon
Plz upload this book
will try
good job ALLAh give u more n more rise to u n ur family
Thanx for uploading Reinforced Concrete by C.K Wang…
A.O.A Sir! its a great effort done by you. But unfortunately the book which I am trying to download is damaged i.e. BUILDING MATERIALS by S.K. DUGGLE Please upload a fresh copy of this book again/email me so that I can have it very soon. Thanks once again for such a brilliant collection of books. May Allah give you reward! Ameen!
it works just fine. check e mail
Hey,this is a very good initiative and hope this brilliant effort will help the engineers and student.
Anyone can also visit for civil engineering books and tutorials
civil engineering books and tutorials
thank you sooooo much for this wonderful help
ur welcome
Kindly provide North American Tunneling Book
Kindly provide here the link to upload book, i want to upload some hydraulic books
that might be provided but it requires some time.
Aslam o alikum, Sir such a great work done by you keep it up as well, I am trying to download dictionary of civil engineering & design of concrete structure 13 edition but unfortunately i couldn’t so please can you help me to send by mail?
y are u unable to download it ? what error u get ?
That’s why always for search of any book I always first open this site
Thanks Ubaid Bhai
ur welcome
Sir I need Book Properties Of Concrete By A M Navelle 5th Edition
will be uploaded
can u please upload elementry structural analysis by norris and wilur
Will Try
AoA Sir !! will u plz upload this book “BIM and Construction Management” ; its really very urgent. Thanx
author’s name ?
Brad Hardin
please can you upload term papers regarding design of curved steel beams by aci design approach???
dont have yet
can you atleast provide some textbook related to that topic
Dear Steel Books are available to download from
kindly upload a book namely” FIELD ENGINEERING FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT by N.W.Hudson”
we will try
Dear Ubaid please upload this book
Dagfinn K. Lysne, Brian Glover,
Haakon Støle and Einar Tesaker
not available with us yet
can you arrange its PDF.
Asslam o alikum Ubaid bhae ma membership ke boht try ker reha hun but wo nae mil rahe plz help me plz
Membership Procedure Sent. Check Email
Sir I really appreciate your work
Can I download these book
Please I need it
by Becoming a Member
Assalam u alaikam sir please mujy civil engenering k 1st semester ki books bta dain . . Ya k0i website bta dain jahan sy me check kr sak0n thanks
Subjects Name can be seen here
Books are available here
Please upload some objectives books
Already uploaded but requires membership to download
Please anyone send me steel design Willam segui 4th edition solution manual
Thank you for sharing Books name with us i really thankful to you for sharing books name… i visit again on this page.