Primavera Video Tutorials

Primavera Video Tutorials

Primavera Video Tutorials

Learn Complete Primavera P6 from the Following video Tutorials
Note: Only Members can download video tutorials. Contact Us for Membership

  1. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial – 1.1 Introduction to Project Management
  2. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 1.2 Scheduling Concepts
  3. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 1.3 Introduction to Primavera P6
  4. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 2.1 Getting Started in Primavera P6
  5. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 2.2 Toolbars and Layout in Primavera P6
  6. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 3.1 Building P6 Data (Admin, Preferences, categories and currencies)
  7. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 3.2 User Preferences
  8. Primavera P6 Video-Tutorial- 3.3 Calendars (Work hours and Days)

Primavera P6 Video Training

Following Primavera P6 Video Training files are of the extension of swf so an swf player or a flash player is required to play them.

  1. Lecture # 1 Navigation in P6
  2. Lecture # 2 Creating a New Project in P6
  3. Lecture # 3 Creating a WBS in P6
  4. Lecture # 4 Adding Activities in P6
  5. Lecture # 5 Working with layouts in P6
  6. Lecture # 6 Creating Relationships in P6
  7. Lecture # 7 Scheduling a Project in P6
  8. Lecture # 8 Assigning Constraints in P6
  9. Lecture # 9 Creating and Assigning Calendars in P6
  10. Lecture # 10 Adding and Assigning Resources and Expenses
  11. Lecture # 11 Analyzing Resources in P6
  12. Lecture # 12 Baselining your project in P6
  13. Lecture # 13 Updating Project Status in P6
  14. Lecture # 14 Reporting Project Performance in P6



52 Replies to “Primavera Video Tutorials”

  1. assalamoalikum nice post brother dost kch urdu toturials bhe share kia krain etabs and primevavera aur civil say related softwears k..its make our pakistan civil engineers site more powerfull thanks..any way boht umda nice work by your team.

  2. sir,when i click on download after clicking it shows me that,This type of file can harm your computer….

      • SITE SHOULD CONTAIN CIVIL ENGG MATERIAL ON BROAD SCALE SPECIALLY VIDIO TATURIALS ,civil engg latest version sftwres if its posble..

        • There are already many tutorials and softwares present on the site. We still keep adding material with the passage of time.

  3. Brother i can’t excess your tutorial videos,
    Please give me excess on “”

  4. sir plz send me whole procedure of membership and transfer of rupees through easy paisa on my email given above

  5. How can I become member?
    Could you provide Urdu tutorial of P6, it will be convenient for Pakistanis to understand within no time.
    Email me with full detail please

  6. Sir kindly send me the complete procedure of becoming a member.

  7. Sir, none of the primavera tutorial is accessible. So help me in regarding this. How can i get access to primavera tutorials ..????